The Midleton Hub is there for everyone in the community.   We all know what its like to feel isolated and we ourselves have been through dark and tough times. We wish only to support and let you know that you are heard, seen and understood and far from alone.


Midleton Emergency Flood Support
Donate What You Can

Midleton  Flooding 1 Week On

Flood Footage Credit : Ajay Sharma

Support for Distraught Families
& Business Owners Coming into Christmas

Midleton has been devastated by the floods and it has caused untold financial and emotional damage. We have been doing all we can to operate as a central location for assistance to every business and home affected.
The amount of volunteers and support coming to the hub has been incredible.


We have received over €6,000 in donations so far and these funds are being used to facilitate providing emotional support and counselling sessions to families and business owners as they try to get their lives back on track.

We are a Registered Charity (RCN): 20206582 and we will endeavour to help everyone we can locally to overcome this tragedy.



(Please Note: We have been informed that in some instances people were confused and thought funds were going towards providing renovations to properties affected. We only provide emotional and counselling supports and funds are being used to pay qualified counsellors and therapists to support people at this difficult time and into the future. The Midleton Hub is run by volunteers and no member of the Midleton Hub team is paid. If for any reason you feel this was unclear and wish funds to be refunded please contact us and we will return funds immediately).


How We Provide Support

Pre-intervention Suicide awareness program
(The Cuddle Project)

The Cuddle Project (inspired by Mick Ryan in Wexford) seeks to help people who may be in a dark place and need that support to know "They Do Matter".  

The Project aims to put Teddies along with emergency support numbers throughout our community e.g. on railings, schools, walkways, bridges to reach out to people when the most need it.

Teddies are symbolic of comfort to us all from the time we are children and hopefully it will help people know that they can reach out and know they are loved no matter how hopeless it may seem.

Bereavement Support

Death by suicide is an overwhelming loss that can leave families, friends and communities with a range of remorseful emotions and many unanswered questions.

While the pattern of grief is unique to every individual person, many of those bereaved by suicide will experience similar feelings. Losing someone through suicide is unbelievably tough. It is not a sign of weakness to ask others for help through this difficult time.

We do know that for some, meeting people who have had a similar experience creates solidarity in the loss and helps by providing relief, comfort, and healing.

We also know that for most people who have been bereaved by suicide is that the most helpful thing
for them is to find people who can simply listen and let that person just ‘be themselves’.

We also know that sometimes the best support for the person affected by suicide is for
somebody just to sit in silence with them.

Sign Posting to Professional Therapeutic Support

The Midleton HUB are aware that for a lot of people The HUB support will be very beneficial, but we are also aware that sometimes, particularly with suicide, some may need some extra help if they are overwhelmed, experiencing nightmares or flashbacks, unable to eat or sleep, feeling isolated, having suicidal thoughts, finding themselves
unable to cope then seeking professional therapeutic support can be helpful.

The Midleton Hub wants to be in a position to sign post these people in the right direction and we now have support from local therapists who are willing to provide this facility for us at very low cost.


The Midleton HUB is very aware that Mindfulness is highly recommended as a treatment for some people who experience common mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, and depression. It is also recommended for people who simply want to
improve their mental health and wellbeing.

We feel we want to be in a position where we can conduct community mindfulness gatherings open to anybody from our community who will benefit not only from the mindfulness gatherings but also the
association made with people from their community that they haven’t met before.